Holly Jolly
Hope that everyone had a great time with friends and family during this special time of year. We had a wonderful Christmas! It was especially fun with how excited our litte Finn was. Troy and I had the hardest time not getting up and running down stairs to wake up the kids...especially when they slept in until 8:00 that morning! We finally heard little feet walking down the hall...and then we heard a "Hey Guys!" as he discovered the tree and the presents. We had to try hard to contain our laughter. Seconds later, we heard him whisper "Tee carrr" with complete wonder and amazement as he realized that what he was looking at next to the tree was so clearly put there by Santa for him! "Tee car" is how Finn still says guitar. We can't bring ourselves to correct him. It's too cute. But, him saying it this time had to have been the cutest and sweetest sound to my ears. It was sheer joy in his whisper of excitement when he saw that Finn size electric guitar and amp. It was too much for us to contain ourselves any longer! We could not stay in bed a minute more! With a fake yawn or two, we grabbed little lala out of her crib and headed for the tree.

Finn also got a pair of red monkey pajamas he refuses to take off (I have to sneak them away while he is in the tub to wash them) and a giant giraffe he named "Train". Giraffe's play a special role in Finn's life. Apparantly, they rescue him EVERY night from ferocious attacking dinosaurs. He always wakes up and tells me how he climbs on their tall neck and he takes him away. Pretty funny. Santa brought Finn a Giraffe in hopes that he would sleep better...now he snuggles with him every night.
The Stockings were hung by the Chimney with care.

milla's favorite part of Christmas...boxes!
and bows!
Milla got a toy cell phone that she loves to chit-chat on. She has become quite the little talker. She just said her first word this week(other than mamma and diddy) and wouldn't you know, it was shoes. She is a girl through and through! Troy got a new skateboard and a new job with Ebsi building customized websites. He continues to enjoy working in advertising and may be the world's most adored daddy. And me...well, I got some pajamas that my husband made for me (First crack at a sewing machine for him), Mama Mia (Love it...the husband won't admit he does..but the songs are stuck in his head), and to top it all of a featured wedding in Modern Bride that came just in time for Christmas! It has been a year of growing, loving and many blessings. Thank you to all my friends, family, brides and readers. What a great year it has been! Wishing you all the best for 2009!
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