Last year, as a family we made a thankful tree. My husband had gone on an expedition with Finn and brought in a branch from outside and placing it in a big pot, we cut out paper leaves, wrote some of the things that we are thankful for and glued it to the branches. The kids had so much fun counting their blessings while filling the tree. Our little paper tree has continued to grow this year....and while the leaves are dropping from the trees outside, inside our thankful tree is full and abundant. As simple as it is, it is beautiful and it reminds me that life is beautiful. My heart is full with gratitude for all that we have and how the blessings continue to come with each passing year. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for so many things, but I wanted to share with you a few leaves from our tree:

Family, healthy bodies, full bellies, freedom, friends near and far, spontaneous little "i wuv you's" from the kids, ice cream after every dinner , cuddles in the evening, books, warm blankets, a comfy home, clean clothes, our memory that can recall favorite times with those we love, sunshine, hands to hold, rain and fireplaces, the smell of waffles in the morning, swimming pools, weddings, sweet singing and music that fills our home

for sand in our toes and the beauty of the beach

for the quiet moments
For a man I feel cherished by everyday

for the simple joys that come from being a mom

I hope you all have a warm and cozy Thanksgiving full of friends, family and love. We found this quote in the Happily Grateful journal from the paper source (pictured above) and thought it couldn't be more fitting for us this holiday season....
"We are most alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder
"We are most alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." - Thornton Wilder
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